Best SEO company in Little Rock and NWA

Search engine optimization (SEO) is how we make sure your
business shows up on the first page of Google. So when users are
ready to become customers, they find you quickly and easily.

Get more traffic, get more customers

Rock City Digital provides Google-approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility so your business can increase its revenue. Our performance speaks for itself, let us help your clients find you the same way you found us.

Strategies updated for 2024

Your SEO work will be current with the latest ranking methods

We do all the research

You’ll never be asked to provide us with keywords

National-tier quality

Our SEO specialists have worked with big companies, so you get national quality service at Arkansas rates

5 star customer support

Your designated rep at RCD will quickly answer questions and proactively address potential issues

SEO is more than numbers

Search engine optimization is about empathy and imagination. For sure, there’s plenty of jargon — schema data and backlinks and all that good stuff. It’s absolutely a technical field. But mastery over the technical isn’t what made us the best SEO provider in Little Rock and NWA. It really is empathy, it really is imagination. Empathy for your users. Imagination for opportunities.

When you bring Rock City Digital on as your new SEO provider, we take a deep dive into the data. Because have to understand where your users are coming coming from. What do they expect and what do they want? What are they seeking? Let’s be real, this isn’t always easy. People are complicated. They defy expectation and categorization. They need empathy.

SEO is a long game. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. But your SEO specialist will meet each new day with enthusiasm and the necessary eye for detail. Tinkering, exploring. Discovering.

Then we analyze your competitors. Where are they strong? Where are they weak? This is where opportunity comes in. What are the gaps in their strategy? What did their SEO manager fail to see?

And when we do all that well, Google rewards you with a higher ranking. Because at the end of the day, Google isn’t trying to punish your website with a bad spot. It’s a service, just like you are, just like we are. And we all want the same thing: the best possible experience for your customers.

4 signs your company might benefit from SEO

  • You have a website but don’t know how to be found online
  • You’ve noticed your competitors always show up first in Google search results
  • You’ve noticed a decline in quality leads, calls, and service requests
  • Traffic to your website has been steady decreasing, or has decreased at a quick, rapid pace with no reason as to why or how

Providing Arkansas business owners with national quality service

We pair your company with a team of marketing pros experienced in your field, so not only do you get local and national talent, it’s really not their first rodeo. They know what works in your industry and the tricks your competitors used to rank how they did. So we’re not saying that SEO is easy. Just that it’s easy for the people you’ll be working with.

Your Project manager is your on call contact

Your SEO specialist designs and implements a custom strategy

An SEO copywriter creates monthly web content

Arkansas’ best SEO, starting at $850/month

With SEO, what works today might not work tomorrow. That’s why we offer a comprehensive service. When Google’s standards change, we change with it. Our SEO managers even work beyond your website, keeping your Google Business Profile current, updating web directory listings, and actively monitoring keywords and competitors. SEO is an on-going process and we never take off our eyes off the ball.

Frequently asked SEO service questions

It’s exactly because SEO is complicated that unfortunately, countless business owners in Little Rock and Northwest Arkansas have been taken advantage of by people calling themselves experts. So we entered this field understanding that we aren’t entitled to anyone’s trust automatically. We invite you to be candid with questions about what we do and how we do it.

Since 2016, Rock City Digital has proudly earned the trust of business owners like you. Earned it with our expertise, our consistency, and most importantly, earned it with results. To start the conversation, check out some common questions Arkansas business owners have asked us about search engine optimization services.

How long before I'm ranked #1 on Google?

Here’s a good rule of thumb: watch out for anyone claiming they can get your website to that coveted top ranking, especially if they say they can do it quickly.

Ranking #1 on Google may or may not be a realistic goal depending on many factors, like location, industry, and the keyword itself. Your competitor may so entrenched that dethroning them is honestly unlikely. That’s important for us to be mindful of! We aren’t in the business of throwing your marketing dollars away. Instead, we have to play strategically. There will be other keywords with viable search traffic we can rank for to still achieve good results.

Can I get SEO with Rock City Digital if you didn't design my current website?

Yes and no. We always recommend bringing on Rock City Digital for both web design and SEO at the same time because the two go hand in hand. You’ll get better results more quickly.

That said, we’ve delivered fantastic rankings for many clients with existing websites. The catch is they have to be built on WordPress. So unfortunately we can’t guarantee service up to our standards implementing SEO on other platforms such as Squarespace, Wix, or Weebly.

What makes SEO traffic "organic?"

In digital marketing lingo, organic means a person found your website without coming from an ad. Search engine rankings are always organic.

Will I have to provide a list of keywords?

Nope! Your SEO specialist will select keywords that the data shows will give you the best results. That said, if you have input or want us to pursue certain rankings, we can totally adjust the strategy to match up.

When will I see results?

This is a good question that’s tough to answer because it really is case by case. If your business occupies an industry or location with light competition, you may rank well almost immediately. Most of the time it takes about three to six months.

If you need people to see your website quickly — for example, if you’re a home services provider entering the busy season — Google Ads are probably a better marketing solution for your business.

What's the difference between on-site and off-site SEO?

It used to be that search engines only ranked your website based on, well, what was on it. We call that “on-site.” These days, the Google algorithm has become a whole lot more complex and evaluates “off-site” signals too as part of the mix. It’s everything online outside your actual website, like directory listings, links from other websites, and even Google reviews. Our SEO specialists tackle both as part of your service with Rock City Digital.

Get more conversions with Arkansas’ leading SEO provider

Rock City Digital matches exceptional results with top rated customer service, so you’ll never have to worry about your rankings again. We’re your new SEO partner for the long-haul. Because this is a long game and the best time to start is now.